Publicaciones en las que participa el autor/a Llerena A
High frequency and founder effect of the CYP3A4*20 loss-of-function allele in the Spanish population classifies CYP3A4 as a polymorphic enzyme.
Apellániz-Ruiz M, Carracedo A, Cascón A, Comino-Méndez I, Currás-Freixes M, De Cubas AA, Grazina M, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Inglada-Pérez L, Llerena A, Mancikova V, Moya GE, Naranjo ME, Opocher G, Rasool M, Rebai A, Robledo M, Rodríguez-Antona C., Sánchez L, Taboada-Echalar P, Triki S
Pharmacogenetics and ethnicity: relevance for clinical implementation, clinical trials, pharmacovigilance and drug regulation in Latin America.
Altamirano C, Céspedes-Garro C, Fariñas H, Fors MM, Galaviz-Hernández C, Hernández F, Jung-Cook H, Llerena A, López M, Moya GE, Ramírez R, Remírez D, Sosa-Macías M, Tarazona-Santos E, Terán E, Waters W
Interethnic Variability in CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 Genes and Predicted Drug Metabolism Phenotypes Among 6060 Ibero- and Native Americans: RIBEF-CEIBA Consortium Report on Population Pharmacogenomics.
Barrantes R, Calzadilla LR, Estévez-Carrizo FE, Fariñas H, Grazina M, Llerena A, López M, Moya GE, Naranjo ME, Ortiz-López R, Peñas-Lledó EM, Ramírez R, Rodeiro I, Rodrigues-Soares F, Sarmiento AP, Sosa-Macías M, Tarazona-Santos E, Terán E
Genetic structure of pharmacogenetic biomarkers in Brazil inferred from a systematic review and population-based cohorts: a RIBEF/EPIGEN-Brazil initiative.
Andrade PXC, Aquino MM, Barreto ML, Céspedes-Garro C, Horta BL, Kehdy FSG, Lima-Costa MF, Llerena A, Pereira AC, Rodrigues-Soares F, Sampaio-Coelho J, Tarazona-Santos E, Zolini C
CYP2D6 genetic polymorphism and genetic ancestry on extrapyramidal side-effects of long-term treatment with classical antipsychotics in Cuban patients with schizophrenia.
Camayd Viera I, Del Toro Bordado L, González-Pal S, Llerena A, Marcheco-Teruel B, Marín Padrón LC, Monzón Benítez G, Roblejo H
Frequency of CYP2C9 (*2, *3 and IVS8-109A>T) allelic variants, and their clinical implications, among Mexican patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 undergoing treatment with glibenclamide and metformin.
Castillo-Nájera F, Cuautle-Rodríguez P, De Andrés F, Llerena A, Molina-Guarneros J, Rodríguez-Rivera N
Challenges and Opportunities for Clinical Pharmacogenetic Research Studies in Resource-limited Settings: Conclusions From the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences-Ibero-American Network of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Meeting.
Diwakar S, Galaviz-Hernández C, Gil JP, Hernández I, Lara-Riegos J, Llerena A, Molina-Guarneros J, Moya GE, Nair S, Peñas-Lledó EM, Rägo L, Ramírez R, Sosa-Macías M, Tarazona-Santos E, Terán E, Verde I